Ancestral Rx

The truth is that if you want to create a generation-shifting legacy and break painful patterns passed down through your lineage, you need support and guidance from your ancestors.

Ancestral Rx sessions help you uncover the lineage-specific patterns you’ve been assigned to transform - as an individual member of your family or within a partnership - directly from your ancestors, along with the prescription for how to do so.

By connecting and developing a relationship directly with your elevated ancestors with love and reverence, you can deepen and accelerate your growth in ways that are simply not possible through conventional or western healing modalities.

If you are frustrated because, after all the therapy, books and podcasts, you’re not seeing the breakthroughs you know are possible, or you feel called to do healing differently, I look forward to supporting you.

If you are looking for ongoing support, explore 1:1 Mentorship instead.

Meet Your Guide

I’m a highly trained therapist and seer who uses divination and mediumship to help people break generational trauma through ancestral connection and shadow work. This background gives me a unique capacity to bridge the material and spiritual realms.

I come from a lineage of rootworkers and healers with roots in las 21 Divisiones, a syncretic faith from the Dominican Republic that is framed around West African Vodun. While I am not an initiated member of las 21 Divisiones community, lo que es tuyo, nadie te lo quita (what’s yours is yours).

My gifts, coupled with advanced training from Columbia University and the best family therapy institute in the country, give me a distinctive ability to uncover deep lineage traumas and transform how they manifest as complex dynamics in the now. I don’t just shed light on the issue - my background means I can help you heal at the root.

Best of all, I walk the talk, and have walked the path in my personal work for years that I walk with clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Before your session, I will connect with the ancestor(s) who wants to support you, and channel their guidance based on the question(s) you asked on your booking form. During our call, I will share that with you, and any additional information that comes through during your session. This will include steps you can take to begin or deepen your healing around the patterns that you, in particular, are here to transmute.

  • If you can, leave ample space for self care after your session, as it might cause a lot of energetic movement within and around you. You will also receive an email with a recording of your session and aftercare instructions.

  • One session can be incredibly transformative, and may be all you need. I suggest that you begin with one, and wait a few weeks before booking another session to integrate the wisdom you will receive.

  • Absolutely. The beauty and magic of ancestor connection is that it defies what we consciously know. Regardless of your background or what you know, you have ancestral and spiritual support available to you should you want to connect with it.

  • Anyone, regardless of background, can book an Ancestral Rx™ session.